‘The Darkening’ began as me trying to remake Diablo 2 inside of Unreal Engine as practice for creating my own unique Action RPG’s. It is/was a solo project and as such you will see a lot of free Unreal assets and a host Mixamo of characters and animations within it.
The system design goals were to recreate the game systems and mechanics from Diablo 2, in order to gain a better understanding of advanced blueprinting in Unreal Engine.
Unreal Engine 4
Adobe Illustrator
Combat Design
Level Design
Usability Testing
System Design to bring Diablo 2 back to life.
As stated above the System Design was my attempt at recreating the systems that made Diablo 2 such an enjoyable experience. All of them are raw and unfinished, but the framework for most of the systems is in there, sans inventory and a few other things.