Enchanted Realms is an Action-RPG Roguelike created by Reboot Interactive. I was brought on to design the gameplay mechanics as well as the UI/UX. The game tasks the player with traveling to several unique realms, each with their own unique challenges and rewards, to rebuild their home which was destroyed by raiders.

Each playthrough offers chances at finding new spell scrolls, weapon blueprints, and more, which can be taken back home and converted into usable spells and items which exponentially increase the agency given to the player.

Think Guild Wars 1 as a roguelike. We aim to give the player all the choices to craft their own unique hero in their image.

    • Unreal 4/5

    • Adobe Photoshop

    • Adobe Illustrator

    • Adobe Premiere

    • Audacity

    • Figma

    • Blender

    • ChatGPT

    • System design

    • Combat design

    • AI Design

    • Prototyping

    • Iteration

    • Player testing



A short clip showing off the enchantment system created for Enchanted Realms


The Torch

Description coming soon!

New Weapon Showcase

Description coming soon!


Puny Mortal

